HIGHROC Science Conference (7-9 Nov. 2017)
The HIGHROC science conference will take place from 7 to 9 November 2017 in Brussels, Belgium. The conference objective is to gather the international community to deal with latest progresses in processing and analyzing ocean colour remote sensing images with the final objective to improve coastal water monitoring.
A large variety of ocean colour space borne data (e.g. Sentinel2/MSI, Sentinel3/OLCI, Landsat8/OLI, MODIS, VIIRS, MSG/SEVIRI) is currently available and has potential applications in coastal waters. HIGHROC scientific conference aims to share progresses and dealt with challenges relative to the exploitation of these data. It implies image processing and algorithm development for atmospheric correction but also water quality parameters (e.g. chlorophyll concentration, suspended particulate matter, turbidity). In situ measurements and validation issues will be also dealt with. To meet the high spatio-temporal resolution requirements of coastal regions, contributions involving sensors with high spatial resolution such as Landsat8/OLI or sentinel2/MSI and high temporal resolution (e.g. geostationary sensors) are largely encouraged in addition to ocean colour dedicated sensors.